Today’s Reading: John 6
(Please read John 6: 1 – 71 and listen to what the Lord Jesus Christ would like to tell you before reading my Spiritual Journal below. If you would like to learn a simple and good way of Daily Devotion method please read my “Count Down 5” from this blog.)
Please click link to John 6(NIV version):
As I was reading John 6 this morning, I was thrilled to know the reason why Jesus calls me to write this 1,189 days of Daily Devotion. It is not only to encourage more Christians to have daily devotion but to make sure I have daily devotion. Can you believe that I, as an ordained priest for 20 years and a Bishop-Elect, do not have daily devotion? Yes, lots of time in the past twenty years I told Jesus, “Sorry, I am too busy. I have no time to be with you.”
I suffered a lot by not staying with Jesus, especially in having some devotions but not daily devotion. Stephen Covey in his ‘The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People’ says, “the effort needed to break or establish habits to the great amount of energy initially needed by a rocket to overcome the earth’s gravitational pull. Once out of the earth’s atmosphere, however, the rocket glides with small amounts of energy.” I am so sorry that the Lord has to use this kind of method in order to push me to the orbit.
Jesus could feed 5000 men (total perhaps 20,000 plus women and children)in one miracle and He can feed anyone of us in any difficult condition. The thing I need to do is to be certain that He is the Bread of Life and not other things. Only by coming to Jesus (v.35), listening to Jesus (v.45) and seeing Jesus (v.40),can I be able to eat His flesh and drink His blood. I need to spend more time with Jesus!
At the end of my devotion, Jesus told me, “My son, this 1,189 days of Daily Devotion is for you that you can be a blessing to many who are willing to come to me, listen to me and see me.”
Dear Lord Jesus,
Help me to be able to spend more time with you. In Jesus Name I pray. Amen.
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