Please click this link for the official announcement from AMiAs of the recent transition:
You can also listen to my daily podcast in English and Cantonese through this new site.
**1100 DAYS of prayers now!!!
Please sign up for the new 11th 100 days 24 hours prayer campaign,
I need your prayers!!!
Please click link below.
**NEW link for the 11th 100 days 24 hours prayer campaign(from August 25 to December 03, 2012).
The easiest way is to take one hour slot for the whole week. What you need to do is very simple. Choose one dayThe easiest way is to take one hour slot for the whole week to pray for me, my family and my ministry, remembering the ministry of ACiC(ACiC has two Networks: ACiC, Anglican Coalition in Canada and AI, Asian Initiative). You may use the whole hour in prayer or you can still do you work in your office but use as much time as you can to pray and the other time work prayerfully that hour to pray for our ministry. This campaign is also to teach you that you need somebody to pray for you daily. I have been prayed for hourly the past 1,100 days and I have never experienced this kind of peace and protection before. It's just beyond words can express. If I did not listen and obey to Jesus call 1,100 days ago to start this prayer movement, I think I would be pulled into darkness and discouragement already! I deeply believe that this is a way to draw as many participation as we can in prayers. I encourage you to participate. We need you to join us! Trust in the power of prayers!
Today's Reading: Daniel 8
Please read Daniel 8 and listen to what the Lord Jesus Christ would like to tell you before reading my Spiritual Journal below. If you would like to learn a simple and good way of Daily Devotion method please read my “Count Down 5” from this blog. You may click this link directly for the method: Subject Shifting Devotion.pdf. (You may begin with a song to praise the Lord and complete you devotion by singing another praise song.)
Please click this link to worship with us -
Chinese praise song -
Please click the links below to Daniel 8:
Bible Study
Again, this is another difficult chapter to understand.
Daniel's vision happened in the third year of King Belshazzar and that was 551 B.C. The rest of this book from here on is written in Hebrew. God revealed the future disaster that was to come to Daniel.
The ram represents the Medo-Persian Empire. The goat from the West is the Greek Empire and its horn represents Alexander the Great who died prematurely at the height of his power. After that, his empire was divided among his four generals. Out of the horns came another horn referring to the Greek ruler Antiochus IV Ephphanes, who in 168 B.C. set up an image of the Greek god Zeus in the Jerusalem temple and sacrificed a pig on the altar. Judas Maccabeus later recaptured Jerusalem, purifying and reddedicating the temple and altar to God in 165 B.C., three years and two months (2,300 evenings and mornings or 1,150 days).
Gabriel, one of God's archangel explained to Daniel in advance of all those things that would happen in the span of 400 years! He is referring to the latter period of the four kingdoms that came out of Alexander's kingdom. The stern-faced king is Antiochus Epiphanes.
Put yourself in the position of those Jews. When those things happened and they were already prophesied, would they be more hopeful that they were in the whole plan of God? Or it had nothing to do with them, nothing could help them?
My Spiritual Journal
What I got from Jesus today is: Don't worry, it's all in my plan!
What I received from Jesus today is that those prophecies from Daniel could or could not help those people. They will definitely help us to know how great God is. "Great" is one of the key message here in this chapter. When those kings thought that they were 'great", they did whatever they wanted and they were being destroyed, no matter the powerful Alexander or any king(vv. 4, 8, 12, 25).
Yes, no matter what happen to this world tomorrow, ten years time or one hundred years time, it's all in God's plan.
The message today for you is that if you have a daily intimate personal relationship with Jesus then you will receive messages from Him whatever you are facing telling you that, "Don't worry, it's all in my plan!"
Dear Lord Jesus,
Thank you for your word of assurance that everyday in in you plan and that we should not be worry but to be more and more closer to you each day. In Jesus Name I pray. Amen.
Please click this link to worship with us - Holy, Holy, Holy, God Almighty
Chinese praise song -
Pray for our AMiA bishops:
The Rt. Rev. Philip Hill Jones (Claudia)
The Rt. Rev. Dr. Doc Loomis (Ellen)