Today’s Reading: Matthew 8
(Please read Matthew 8: 1 – 34 and listen to what the Lord Jesus Christ would like to tell you before reading my Spiritual Journal below. If you would like to learn a simple and good way of Daily Devotion method please read my “Count Down 5” from this blog.)
Please click the links below to Matthew 8:
NIV: http://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Matthew%208&version=NIV
Message: http://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Matthew%208&version=MSG
“You of little faith, why are you so afraid?” Then Jesus got up and rebuked the winds and the waves, and it was completely calm. Matthew 8: 26
First, a good news. We did it. Michelle and I had our daily devotion reading, listening and sharing the message we heard from Jesus through Matthew 8. It is such a wonderful experience to be able to have daily devotion and prayed together with her.
Second, in case you have not read the comment to my previous blog by our Choir Conductor, Denny Yeung, please read his sharing as follows:
HI Silas,
Yes, there was plank in my eye. I was so horrible that I shouted off Sharon from the computer. Just because I have to keep my time for the 40-day prayer chain and need to reach your blog and read bible on-line. It happened Monday evening at about 8pm. At the end, Sharon ran out of the house just with her pyjamas.
With tears, I started praying and cnofessing to my heavenly Father for what I did. Then I drove around the neighbourhood to look for her. After some 15 mins, I finally got her at a bus stop. I hurriedly rushed to her and said sorry to her and told her that I love her as much as anyone in this world. And, she said she is Ok and will get back home later.
I got home and started reading your blog. Then I realised that the Lord is teaching me to be transparent, that kind of "real" transparent with family, friends, and most important, with God. It's not easy, but I think I'll learn and practice, with an open heart and soul...until I see Him one day.
Last night, we were together going back to church for worship team song practice. The Lord is with us. We were having joy and peace. After song practice, we spent another hour together. She is a "new" driver and needs more on-the-road practice. I was there to help and teach her some driving techniques. We both enjoyed the time. Thanks to the Lord who brings the transparency for me. Hallelujah!
September 16, 2009 2:14 PM
No other word can be better to explain how powerful Jesus can be to calm a storm. It seems a right thing for Denny to do to use the computer for he needed to keep this time for our 40 days prayer chain and to reach my blog and the Bible on-line. Yet, the Devil, the Deceiver planted a mine field for him to step on it. If not for his daily experience with Jesus and the willingness to have his daily devotion using my blog the Devil succeeded to blow their whole family up and just like in Matthew 7: 27 their house fell with a great crash!
Today as I was reading Matthew 8 what I got from Jesus is He can do anything and we can do nothing without Him. The key word for me today is “FOLLOW”. You can find this word in v. 1, 19,22 and 23. Many followed Jesus just wanted to see what Jesus could do. The saw man with leprosy healed, the servant of a centurion healed, Peter’s mother-in-law healed and even the storm got calm. It happened when Jesus was there performing the miracle. Without Jesus nothing happen, without Jesus we can not face the storm in our lives, without Jesus we can do nothing but the painful fact if many of us think that we can do lots of things ourselves!
So, today I heard Jesus asked me to ask you two questions and one action:
The questions: 1. Where is Jesus now in your life? 2. Are you really willing to follow Him and to be as close to Him as possible?
The action: Pray and talk to Him now.
Dear Lord Jesus,
I am a man of little faith! Help me to be as close to you as possible daily to be in your protection and witness your power and love. In Jesus Name I pray. Amen.
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