Monday, August 15, 2011

DAY 726 - How Good I Was!

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Today's Reading: Job 29

Please read Job 29 and listen to what the Lord Jesus Christ would like to tell you before reading my Spiritual Journal below. If you would like to learn a simple and good way of Daily Devotion method please read my “Count Down 5” from this blog. You may click this link directly for the method: Subject Shifting Devotion.pdf. (You may begin with a song to praise the Lord and complete you devotion by singing another praise song.)

Please click this link to worship with us - In His Time

Please click the links below to Job 29:
"God understands the way to wisdom and he alone knows where it dwells...
And he said to man, 'The fear of the Lord - that is wisdom, and to shun evil is understanding.'"
Job 28: 23, 28

What I received from Jesus today is: Don't waste time, let me tell you!

Last chapter Job was in the brink of a turning point not to waste time anymore and ready to wait for God to tell him what was happening. But this chapter he felt onto a new trap of remembering how good he was before. His intimate friendship with God (vv. 1- 6) as well as the respect of other people and how good he had done (vv. 7-25). Well, loving God and loving His people! Good job Job!

Was that good for him? Do you know some people always telling others their glorious time in the past but stuck in a very dark self-pity stage? You need to know it is different to someone counting the blessings. It is just a mourning for those time that had past and never come back! You won't know the difference until you read the next chapter. If that was counting God's blessings then after that everything would clear out, light and hope will come. But this is not the case. After that Job changed from "how good I was before" to "how bad I am now".

So, what have you got today? Don't pull yourself and stuck into your past glorious days, wake up and enter into His presence. In His daily presence is the only way to enjoy a joyful present and a bright future!

Well, today is my birthday and I thank God for how He loves me and guides me for the past so many years! I praise God for how he uses my two blogs and the podcast as a channel for more and more people come to Him to have a daily intimate personal relationship with Him. And today I added some people from Bulgaria reading my blogs thus make people from a total number of 58 countries visited my blogs. We have just 196 countries in this world! I look forward to each extra day He is going to give me that I can love Him as well as His people and to extend His mighty Kingdom!

Dear Lord Jesus,
Help us not to stuck into our past glorious days but to walk with you daily and looking forward to a bright future. In Jesus name I pray. Amen.

Please click this link to worship with us - The Potter's Hand

Prayer items today:


Bishop: Rt. Rev. Silas Ng (Michelle)

Network Leader: Rev. Peter Klenner (Jenny)

Network Leadership Team: Rt. Rev. Silas Ng, Rev. Peter Klenner, Rev. Ed Hird (Janice), Rev. Simon Neill (Jo), Rev. Ken Bell (Sonya), Mr. Andy Li (Amy)

Bishop's Chaplain: Rev. Ed Hird (Janice)

Bishop's Assistant: Mrs. Michelle Ng (Silas)

Clergy Formation Advisor: Rev. Ken Bell (Sonya)

Treasurer: Mr. Andy Li(Amy)

Administrator: Mrs. Zenia Cheng (Clarence)

Pray for one Rwanda and Anglican Mission bishop one day at a time:

The Rt. Rev. John Miller (Joyce)

The Rt. Rev. Emmanuel Ngeendahayo (Victoria)

Pray for one ACiC/AI church one day at a time:

Victoria Church Plant, the Table

Church Planter: Rev. Josh Wilton (Katie)

Church Planter: Rev. Andy Withrow (Katie)

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