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Today's Reading: Isaiah 66
Please read Isaiah 66 and listen to what the Lord Jesus Christ would like to tell you before reading my Spiritual Journal below. If you would like to learn a simple and good way of Daily Devotion method please read my “Count Down 5” from this blog. You may click this link directly for the method: Subject Shifting Devotion.pdf. (You may begin with a song to praise the Lord and complete you devotion by singing another praise song.)
Please click this link to worship with us - Awesome God
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Please click the links below to Isaiah 66:
"This is the one I esteem:
he who is humble and contrite in spirit,
and trembles at my word."
Isaiah 66: 2
Bible Study
This chapter is like a firework high up on the sky to conclude the whole book of Isaiah: Isaiah prophesies of the rebirth of Israel as God's faithful people during Christ's earthy reign of a thousand years at the end of history (vv. 7-14, Revelation 20), Jerusalem is compared to a mother who feeds and comforts her children and will have peace and be a comfort to all who love God, including those who come to her from all nations (vv. 10-14), God's judgement will be on His enemies that the antichrist's forces will be destroyed at the battle of Armageddon and Christ will begin His millennial reign of peace on earth(vv. 15-17, Revelation 20), God will gather Christ's followers to witness His glory and they will be sent throughout the world to bring all remaining Jews to the Lord (vv. 18-21), then at the end of history, following Christ's millennial reign on earth and the final judgments, God will create the new heavens and the new earth and all of God's people will be with the Lord forever. (vv. 22-24, Revelation 21-22).
God through Isaiah gives to all the Israelites and everyone a clear message that God is in total control. So, the most important thing for them and for us to do is the message of verse 2 that God esteems only in those who are humble, who has a contrite heart and recognizes the need for God's constant help and grace and who try to follow His Word.
Are you that kind of person?
My Spiritual Journal
What I receive from Jesus is: Are you the kind of person God esteems?
Today Jesus reminds me of the Beatitudes(Matthew 5: 1-12). All the blessings we can receive as a human should be in the Beatitudes. Those who are poor in spirit is the same as what Isaiah says in verse 2 as "the one who is humble and contrite in spirit". The Beatitudes is the path to a lifestyle of Christlikeness. You life will be completely changed to be more and more like Christ. And, you will experience more and more times of trembling at God's Word each day. I am trembling now and lots of time when God's Word touching my soul giving me strength and reviving my soul I experience that kind of "holy" trembling! Our "holy" trembling in the presence of God is the most wonderful feeling on earth! Have you experienced that before? If not, you need to be more humble and more contrite in spirit!
Dear Lord Jesus,
Help us to be humble and contrite in spirit that we can enjoy your presence each day and that we can tremble at Your Word. In Jesus Name we pray. Amen.
Please click this link to worship with us - Breathe
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讓我謙卑屈膝俯拜 I Fall Down to worship
Pray for our AMiA bishops:
The Rt. Rev. Chuck Murphy, III (Margaret)
The Rt. Rev. John Miller (Joyce)