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You can also listen to my daily podcast in English and Cantonese through this new site.
**1000 DAYS of prayers now!!!
Please sign up for the new 10th 100 days 24 hours prayer campaign,
I need your prayers!!! Please click link below.
**NEW link for the 9th 100 days 24 hours prayer campaign (from May 17 to August 24, 2012).
Today's Reading: Jeremiah 40
Please read Jeremiah 40 and listen to what the Lord Jesus Christ would like to tell you before reading my Spiritual Journal below. If you would like to learn a simple and good way of Daily Devotion method please read my “Count Down 5” from this blog. You may click this link directly for the method: Subject Shifting Devotion.pdf. (You may begin with a song to praise the Lord and complete you devotion by singing another praise song.)
Please click this link to worship with us -
Chinese praise song -
Please click the links below to Jeremiah 40:
Bible Study
We know that Jeremiah was a servant and prophet of God who listened carefully and acted accordingly. We can see that was freed in a very special out of the prison of the Babylonians.
We also see another example of an opposite situation as Jeremiah. Not listening to council causing his own death later in the next chapter.
What is the difference between these two examples?
My Spiritual Journal
What I got from Jesus today is: To listen or not to listen, that is the question?
What I got is that a clear difference of listening to God or to listening to other people. This is a faith question and also a relational question. With our total trust in God and our personal intimate daily relationship with Him we know how to listen and how to act after our listening. And, it is only in a personal intimate relationship with God that we know who we should listen to and how not to. It is very difficult to explain but if you have that kind of relationship with the Lord then you know what I mean!
Dear Lord Jesus,
Help us to listen to you and act accordingly. Teach us to discern who we should listen to and who we should not. In Jesus Name we pray. Amen.
Please click this link to worship with us - Lord, Reign in Me
Chinese praise song -
Pray for our AMiA bishops:
The Rt. Rev. Sandy Greene (Gigi)
The Rt. Rev. TJ Johnston, Jr. (Rees)