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**1000 DAYS of prayers now!!!
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**NEW link for the 9th 100 days 24 hours prayer campaign (from May 17 to August 24, 2012).
Today's Reading: Ezekiel 30
Please read Ezekiel 30 and listen to what the Lord Jesus Christ would like to tell you before reading my Spiritual Journal below. If you would like to learn a simple and good way of Daily Devotion method please read my “Count Down 5” from this blog. You may click this link directly for the method: Subject Shifting Devotion.pdf. (You may begin with a song to praise the Lord and complete you devotion by singing another praise song.)
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Chinese praise song -
Please click the links below to Ezekiel 30:
Bible Study
"Wail and say, "Alas for that day!"
For the day is near,
the day of the Lord is near -
a day of clouds,
a time of doom for the nations."
" 'This is what the Lord says:
" 'The allies of Egypt will fall
and her proud strength will fail.
From Migdol to Aswan
they will fall by the sword within her,
declares the Sovereign Lord.
Ezekiel 30: 2-3, 6
When the day of the Lord came, Egypt would be destroyed by Babylonians. Because of the pride, even those who assisted Egypt would fall just like Egypt.
When the day of the Lord come, then those who do not fear God will know that God is the Lord and not them!
Can you use your imagination like the direction of a movie to read this chapter again. How are you going to capture the darkness of this chapter into your movie?Blood, killing, mourning, crying, death and more!
That's the consequence of pride! That's the result of those who are against God!
My Spiritual Journal
What I got from Jesus today is: The day of the Lord!
What would the day of the Lord means to you?
What will the day of the Lord happen to you?
This is a very simple but important question from Jesus to you today.
If you are among those against the Lord, then you know what would happen according to this chapter.
If you are a faithful disciple of Jesus, then you will experience relief, freedom and joy because God will take care of those whom you cannot and you will be saved!
So, what is the day of the Lord to you?
Dear Lord Jesus,
Help me to prepare each day for the day of you to come. Lead me to be in the day of you each day and to enjoy a day with you each day. In Jesus Name we pray. Amen.
Please click this link to worship with us - Holy, Holy, Holy, God Almighty
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Pray for our AMiA bishops:
The Rt. Rev. Philip Hill Jones (Claudia)
The Rt. Rev. Dr. Doc Loomis (Ellen)