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**1100 DAYS of prayers now!!!
Please sign up for the new 11th 100 days 24 hours prayer campaign,
I need your prayers!!! Please click link below.
**NEW link for the 11th 100 days 24 hours prayer campaign (from August 25 to December 03, 2012).
Today's Reading: Ezekiel 37
Please read Ezekiel 37 and listen to what the Lord Jesus Christ would like to tell you before reading my Spiritual Journal below. If you would like to learn a simple and good way of Daily Devotion method please read my “Count Down 5” from this blog. You may click this link directly for the method: Subject Shifting Devotion.pdf. (You may begin with a song to praise the Lord and complete you devotion by singing another praise song.)
Please click this link to worship with us -
Chinese praise song -
Please click the links below to Ezekiel 37:
Bible Study
Led by the Holy Spirit as described in the last chapter, Ezekiel had a vision of a valley full of bones. The bones represent the whole house of Israel (v.11), both Israel and Judah, whose hopes had died when they were conquered and dispersed among foreign nations. Ezekiel prophesies that the bones would be raised to life be the breath of the Holy Spirit in two stages:
1. A physical and political restoration to their homeland.
2. A spiritual restoration to a renewed faith and relationship with God.
And they would become a vast Godly army under the rule of one shepherd!
Are you one of those dry bones living a life purposelessly? Or, are you one of those mighty warriors in God's vast army?
My Spiritual Journal
What I got from Jesus today is: Dry bones or a vast army of God?
Today Jesus gives me a very simple but live or die challenge. He wants to ask you whether you know you are dry bones or in the vast army of God? He also told me that if you do not know how to answer this question then you must be among those dry bones. Or, if you are in the vast army of Satan? Wow! Heavy question!
If your answer is that you are in the vast army of God, then you have to give evidence that you are being fruitful and faithful.
Come Holy Spirit, come and breathe on me that I can be ALIVE! Pour down your fresh anointing on me now Holy Spirit! In Jesus Name I pray. Amen.
Please click this link to worship with us - Holy, Holy, Holy, God Almighty
Chinese praise song -
Pray for our AMiA bishops:
The Rt. Rev. Philip Hill Jones (Claudia)
The Rt. Rev. Dr. Doc Loomis (Ellen)