Please click this link for the official announcement from AMiAs of the recent transition:
You can also listen to my daily podcast in English and Cantonese through this new site.
**1100 DAYS of prayers now!!!
Please sign up for the new 11th 100 days 24 hours prayer campaign,
I need your prayers!!!
Please click link below.
**NEW link for the 11th 100 days 24 hours prayer campaign(from August 25 to December 03, 2012).
The easiest way is to take one hour slot for the whole week. What you need to do is very simple. Choose one dayThe easiest way is to take one hour slot for the whole week to pray for me, my family and my ministry, remembering the ministry of ACiC(ACiC has two Networks: ACiC, Anglican Coalition in Canada and AI, Asian Initiative). You may use the whole hour in prayer or you can still do you work in your office but use as much time as you can to pray and the other time work prayerfully that hour to pray for our ministry. This campaign is also to teach you that you need somebody to pray for you daily. I have been prayed for hourly the past 1,100 days and I have never experienced this kind of peace and protection before. It's just beyond words can express. If I did not listen and obey to Jesus call 1,100 days ago to start this prayer movement, I think I would be pulled into darkness and discouragement already! I deeply believe that this is a way to draw as many participation as we can in prayers. I encourage you to participate. We need you to join us! Trust in the power of prayers!
Today's Reading: Ezekiel 42
Please read Ezekiel 42 and listen to what the Lord Jesus Christ would like to tell you before reading my Spiritual Journal below. If you would like to learn a simple and good way of Daily Devotion method please read my “Count Down 5” from this blog. You may click this link directly for the method: Subject Shifting Devotion.pdf. (You may begin with a song to praise the Lord and complete you devotion by singing another praise song.)
Please click this link to worship with us -
Chinese praise song -
Please click the links below to Ezekiel 42:
Bible Study
This is the third part of Ezekiel's vision of the future temple of God which has not happened yet.
You may wonder why those measurements, what's the use of that? The more detailed the prophecy is, the more security will give to God's people. When the time comes and if we are still on earth then we will know what is going to happen and we will have no fear at that time.
One thing you need to know is that in Tim LaHaye's Left Behind book and movie series ( )he writes about this. I think that should be in Book 10 or 11 concerning with the Anti-Christ who uses the exact measurements from those chapters in Ezekiel to build the new temple in Jerusalem. When I read that many years ago I was in a kind of fearful but prepared mood. Why don't you go and read that series. That's quite interesting. We have two sets of complete series in English and Chinese in the library of Richmond Emmanuel Church. And the movie too. Try to read it(12 books) or watch the three DVD series. It's all about the end time - rapture! (
My Spiritual Journal
What I got from Jesus today is: Rapture!
Rapture is what I received from Jesus today. Of all those similar measurements in the past few chapters seems boring and means nothing to us. But, are you ready for the Rapture? Will you be there still on earth when all those faithful Christians relatives and friends of yours being raptured? Would you feel scared, lonely and isolated when that happened?
Actually we just escaped a major car accident that could kill all four of us in the highway from Verona to Venice, Italy. It was just a 0.5 second moment that we could all be killed by two cars. One driving more than 200 Km on the left hitting us behind (because we changed lane without knowing that car was so fast) and one big truck on the right hitting us on the right!
The worst would be our two sons would be dead and Michelle and I would be in ICU for two months and then we would have to face the sorrow of losing our two sons for the rest of our lives! Thanks for your daily prayers that we are still alive now! It was really very, very dangerous, the most dangerous moments of our lives!
Dear Lord Jesus,
Help us to be prepared for rapture to come any moment in our lives. In Jesus Name I pray. Amen.
Please click this link to worship with us - Holy, Holy, Holy, God Almighty
Chinese praise song -
Pray for our AMiA bishops:
The Rt. Rev. Philip Hill Jones (Claudia)
The Rt. Rev. Dr. Doc Loomis (Ellen)