Saturday, August 7, 2010

DAY 353 - Love to A Thousand Generation

Today's Reading: Leviticus 3

Please read Leviticus 3 and listen to what the Lord Jesus Christ would like to tell you before reading my Spiritual Journal below. If you would like to learn a simple and good way of Daily Devotion method please read my “Count Down 5” from this blog. You may click this link directly for the method:Subject Shifting Devotion.pdf. (You may begin with a song to praise the Lord and complete you devotion by singing another praise song.)

Please click this link to worship with us - Amazing Grace (My Chains Has Gone)

Please click the links below to Leviticus 3:

Chinese: 3&version=CUV

NIV: 3&version=NIV

ESV: 3&version=ESV

Message: 3&version=MSG

To understand what He wanted to tell me, Jesus led me to three passages:

1. "This is a lasting ordinance for the generations to come, wherever you live: You must not ...

Leviticus 3: 17

2. "You shall not make for yourself an idol in the form of anything in heaven above or on the earth beneath or in the waters below. You shall not bow down to them or worship them; for I, the Lord your God, am a jealous God, punishing the children for the sin of the fathers to the third and fourth generation of those who hate me, but showing love to a thousand generations of those who love me and keep my commandments."

Exodus 20: 4-6

3. "I the Lord do not change. So you, O descendants of Jacob are not destroyed. Ever since the time of your forefathers you have turned away from my decrees and have not kept them. Return to me, and I will return to you," says the Lord Almighty. "But you ask, 'How are we to return?' "Will a man rob God? Yet you rob me. But you ask, ' How do we rob you?' In tithes and offerings. You are under a curse - the whole nation of you - because you are robbing me. Bring the whole tithe into the storehouse, that there may be food in my house. Test me in this," says the Lord Almighty, "and see if I will not throw open the floodgates of heaven and pour out so much blessing that you will not have room enough for it. I will prevent pests from devouring your crops, and the vines in your fields will not cast their fruit," says the Lord Almighty. "Then all the nations will call you blessed, for yours will be a delightful land," says the Lord Almighty.

Malachi 3: 6-12

All those laws, regulations and restrictions are protections and blessings so that the Israelites could be blessed and loved to a thousand generation as commanded and promised. Hundreds of years later the Israelites chose not to listen to and obey those protections and blessings; so they entered into self-destruction! Could you have a better understanding of God's love and promise so that we can choose "wisely"?

Dear Lord Jesus,

Help us to understand that our choices may bear fruits to a thousand generations. In Jesus name I pray. Amen.

I am getting a little bit nervous and anxious regarding what will happen in three days time when Michelle receive the report. It's like a kind of feeling that we are in the eye of a big storm! Need your prayers!

My son, Ignatius, completed his three weeks mission in Ethiopia a few days ago.We are so joyful to welcome him home and know that he experienced God mightily in that three weeks. His one word of experience is "JOY"! Please click this link to read his wonderful sharing:

Please click this new link to watch Athanasius' violin recital(June 7, 2010) with me playing the piano:

Please click this link to worship with us - Power of Your Love

Prayer items today:


Bishop: Rt. Rev. Silas Ng (Michelle)

Network Leader: Rev. Peter Klenner (Jenny)

Network Leadership Team: Rt. Rev. Silas Ng, Rev. Peter Klenner, Rev. Ed Hird (Janice),

Rev. Simon Neill (Jo), Rev. Ken Bell (Sonya)

Bishop's Chaplain: Rev. Ed Hird (Janice)

Clergy Formation Advisor: Rev. Ken Bell (Sonya)

Administrator: Mrs. Zenia Cheng (Clarence)

Pray for one AMiA bishop one day at a time

The Rt. Rev. Dr. Todd Dean Hunter (Debbie)

Pray for one ACiC/AI church one day at a time

St. Simon’s, North Vancouver

Rector/Senior Pastor: Rev. Ed Hird (Janice)

Honorary Assistant priest: Rev. John Lombard (Beverly)

Deacon: Rev. Ron Gibbs (Beverly)

Face book version:

Welcome! The purpose of this blog is to encourage Christians to have daily devotion - a wonderful and intimate time with Jesus.
There are three reasons for you to use this blog as your daily devotion:
1. A healthy spiritual diet - One chapter of the Bible daily. We really need at least one chapter of Bible daily so that we are well fed.
2. A good example of Spiritual Journaling - What I have committed for 1,189 days(the Bible has 1,189 chapters)to write this daily post is not for teaching purposes but this is my daily spiritual journal - I write down what I hear from Jesus and how I experience His intimate relationship with me each day. I have launched a wide-spectrum research on daily devotion and have found out that there are less than 10% of Christians that are having daily devotion. Out of that 10%, many having daily devotion are doing so because of guilt (they know that they are Christians and need to have daily devotion and feel guilty if they don’t do that), duty (they need to fulfill their duty as a Christian) or study(lots of Christians primarily use their daily devotion as a time to study the Bible). I do pray and hope that you will make up your mind to have a relational daily devotion so that you can have an intimate time with Jesus. I pray that you will write your own spiritual journal as well.
3. An online discipler – One of the reasons that so many Christians do not have daily devotion is because they do not have a discipler. A discipler can help them build up this basic element of discipleship when they first become Christians. The best way for you is to have a discipler to walk with you for a certain period of time so that daily devotion become a good habit. Or, you may have a small group of two to three people to encourage and be accountable to each other so that you won’t stop your daily devotion. I offer myself as your online discipler to walk with you daily to enrich your spiritual journey. So, shall we start this journey with Jesus Christ our Lord now!

  • New Link for the 4th 100 days 24 hours prayer campaign(June 17 to September 24, 2010)!!
  • Our 3rd phase of 100 days of prayers (March 9 to June 16, 2010).
  • Our 2nd phase of 100 days of prayers (November 29, 2009 to March 8, 2010)
  • Our 1st phase of 100 days of prayers
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